February 1, 2011

Purefoy's Bluebonnet Results:

The voters have spoken and the Bluebonnet Nominee with the most votes at Purefoy is 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass! Our school votes were entered last Friday with the Texas Library Association and the state-wide winner will be announced soon.  If you haven't read 11 Birthdays yet check it out soon - it's an entertaining story about a girl that wakes up to find her birthday repeating day after day.

Fun was had by all at our voting celebration last week.  Students that read five or more Bluebonnet Books were invited to vote for their favorite book online, complete a bookish scavenger hunt, eat lunch on the library patio, and enjoy a popcorn snack.
Be on the lookout for the new 2011-2012 books in the Bluebonnet Section soon to join in the fun!

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