May 21, 2013

It's turn-in time...

Sad News Purefoy: This is our last week to check out new library books. Next week we will return all books and talk about great options for summer reading when you visit the library.
All Purefoy Library books need to be returned by May 31st.

Know you lost a book?
Enter a payment in the Funds4Books system.

Not sure what you have checked out?
Follow these directions to view your account...
  1. On the main HIP page, click the tab “My Account.” 
  2. When prompted, enter your ID number (lunch number). 
  3. You will see an account overview. Click “Checked Out” to see your items and their due dates. 
  4. Click “Holds” to see what books you have on hold and where you are in line.
Remember - You can still checkout books on Overdrive all summer!
Visit anytime on your computer or device.

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