August 26, 2013

Good Book: Hanging Off Jefferson's Nose

It's time to start the "Good Book of the Week" again! These are weekly blog posts featuring childrens books I recommend for students, teachers, parents to enjoy. Many of the books I feature are actually student suggestions too. First up, a great new biography...
by Tina Nichols Coury, illustrated by Sally Wern Comport, Dial Books, 2012
Growing up in the shadow of Mount Rushmore Lincoln Borglum was a young boy when his father, the great sculptor Gutzon Borglum, suggested to a group of South Dakota businessmen that he should carve the faces of four presidents into a side of a mountain as an attraction for tourists. But Mount Rushmore would never be finished by Gutzon. It would be his son who would complete the fourteen-year task and present America with one of its most iconic symbols. Suggested for grades 3-6.

This book is shelved in the biography section at call number B BOR.

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