September 28, 2011

To the Book Fair and Beyond....

Want an out-of-this world way to support our school?
Visit our fall book fair!
September 30th-October 7th

The Purefoy Elementary PTA is hosting a super Scholastic Book Fair September 30th through October 7th.  This fair promises to be a reading event packed with excitement for our students, teachers and families!

¤ We will be offering the chance to place an order on-line for books!  This allows loved ones that do not live here, to be able to purchase books for our students.  The books will be shipped directly to the school with not shipping fees!!  Shop online now at
¤ Donuts with Dad: Wednesday, October 5th at 7:15 am.  Dads can bring their kids to school early, have a donut, and shop for books all before heading out to work!

¤ Family Night: Thursday, October 6th.  We will be open from 6:00 - 7:30pm.  Everyone is invited to shop at our book fair and have fun playing games, making a craft and more to raise money for our One for Books fund-raiser.

¤ Teacher Wish List baskets will be available at the book fair.  You can help support our teachers by purchasing books personally selected by our teachers for their class room libraries.

The Book Fair will be open:
             ◊ Friday, September 30th, from 9 am to 2:30 pm
             ◊ Monday, October 3rd - Thursday, October 6th, from 7:30 am - 2:30pm
             ◊ Wednesday, October 5th, Donuts with Dad, 7:15 am
             ◊ Thursday, October 6th, Family Night, from 6 pm - 7:30 pm
             ◊ Friday, October 7th, from 7:30 am - 1 pm

We believe that the more a child reads, the stronger reader he or she becomes.  Strong reading skills are essential to a child's success in school and in life.  In order to promote reading in our school, we have designated our teachers’ classroom libraries as the beneficiary of our One for Books fundraiser.  We are excited about the opportunity to help our teachers’ build their libraries.  We will have a grade level competition, with the winning grade receiving a Pajama Day!

Cindy Slavin - Purefoy PTA, Book Fair Chair

Hope to see you soon!

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